Yes, Dear…
layla decorative title as ornaments
by Anjie Coates
Photo by Anjie Coates
  • Layla is a Beagle mix I’ve groomed for her entire life, and she is known at the salon as being the happiest dog ever born.
  • Scissors
    “Hey, babe. You ready for your finish?” I ask as I kneel before her crate and open the door.
  • Dog
    Layla: “I’m ready! Catch me!” And she bounds into my lap.
  • Scissors
    “Oof! Easy on the jump there, kid. I’m not as young as I used to be,” I tell her.
  • Dog
    Layla gives me a flurry of kisses and head bonks as I carry her to the table.
  • Scissors
    “If only you were a happy dog,” I say sarcastically.
  • Dog
    Layla: “I am happy! I love my spa day! I love you! I love my bath! I love my finish!”
  • Scissors
    Next I file her nails and try to avoid her tail in my face as it whips from side to side.
  • Scissors
    “You are probably the only dog that loves nail trims this much. You know that?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Layla: “You’re touching me and that means you love me!”
  • Scissors
    “Yes, I do,” I reply as I kiss her head.
  • Dog
    Layla’s tail thumps in time to the Christmas music, and I am once again thankful for pool noodles covering the overhead bar on my table lest she bruises it.
  • Scissors
    “Are you excited for Christmas?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Layla: “I am! The Christmas tree is up! It’s so pretty! I love the Christmas tree.”
  • Scissors
    “I’m going to guess there are very few ornaments at the bottom of the tree,” I say.
  • Dog
    Layla: “How did you know!?!”
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    I look at the ever-wagging tail and grin, “Just a guess…”
  • Dog
    Layla: “I hope I get a new toy.”
  • Scissors
    “I’m going to bet a good girl like you will get a new toy,” I say.
  • Dog
    Layla hops up onto my chest and give me three quick kisses.
  • Scissors
    “Thank you. You need to stay on the table though, hun,” I tell her.
  • Dog
    She sits back down and continues to wag, despite sitting on half her tail.
  • Scissors
    “You are just fur-covered joy. I’ve never seen you have a bad day in all these years,” I say.
  • Dog
    Layla grins and leans against my stomach as I brush down her back with the boar bristle brush.
pine trees top border
  • Scissors
    “Well, what do you say we get your Christmas picture taken?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Layla: “Yay!”
  • Dog
    Layla hops as I lift her to carry her to the picture room with her tail beating loudly against my smock sleeve.
  • Scissors
    “OK, so now you have to pick a costume. You want to be an elf?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Layla: “Did that last year.”
  • Scissors
    “Right. How about a Christmas tree?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Layla: “Yes! I love that!”
  • Scissors
    I put her costume on and she wags wildly as I get it situated.
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    “Ok, lemme see that sweet face,” I say.
  • Dog
    Layla does her best to pose despite her entire back end wiggling.
  • Scissors
    “Gorgeous!” I tell her and hand her treat, but she doesn’t want it.
  • Dog
    Layla: “How about some Christmas hugs and kisses instead?”
  • Scissors
    And I reply,
    Yes, dear