Grooming Gab
by Kathy Hosler
Photos by Animal Photography

They came to celebrate 35 years of progress, technology and education…but mostly they came to celebrate people. It’s the people who have made Groom Expo what it is today.

This has been the absolute best weekend of my grooming career by far,” shares Reginal Moorer (AKA ‘Reggie Scissorhand’) enthusiastically. “After witnessing and experiencing Hershey for myself, I now understand why the people in this industry work so hard throughout the year! To be in the presence of groomers from near and far, all coming together to celebrate one another is a beautiful thing…I wouldn’t want to be a part of any other industry!”

More than 6,000 attendees from all over the world met at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania to experience the 35th annual Groom Expo. They came to celebrate 35 years of progress, technology and education…but mostly they came to celebrate people. It’s the people who have made Groom Expo what it is today.

It started with Sally Liddick and Gwen Shelly, who believed that groomers needed a place to come together and an opportunity to network and socialize with each other. Add to them the people who invented new tools and equipment and showcased it at the trade show, helping to shape the industry and make groomers’ lives easier, and the people who share their knowledge through the seminars and breed demos that have given groomers the opportunity to build successful, happy careers. And, just as important, are all the attendees who come year after year to be with each other and experience everything this wonderful event has to offer.

“Thirty-five years is a long time, and our industry has changed tremendously,” says Gwen Shelly, CEO of Barkleigh Productions. “When Sally and I held the first Groom Expo in 1988, about 500 groomers attended.

Woman grooming fluffy white dog on a table at an expo
“I’ve found support and learned that I’m never really alone. I look forward to Hershey more than any other show.” – Jilly Mucciarone
“In the beginning, there were no fax machines, cell phones, or internet,” Gwen continues. “There was very little in the way of continuing education, and most groomers did not even speak with each other. We knew that groomers needed to connect and network with one another, so with Groom Expo, we began to change that.”

“It’s absolutely incredible what Groom Expo has become!” exclaims beaming attendee Theresa Wells. “I was at the first Groom Expo held in 1988. When I started grooming, I had a pair of Oster A-2 clippers and a couple pair of Double Duck scissors. My grooming table was a cut-off kitchen table with a cabinet on top of it.”

“This incredible industry has become my second family, and Hershey is where we all come together to support each other,” says attendee Jilly Mucciarone. “Every year we come to Hershey and pick up right where we left off. It’s like no time has passed at all, yet we all continue to grow and chase our own dreams in between. I’ve found support and learned that I’m never really alone. I look forward to Hershey more than any other show.”

It’s true. You are never alone when you are at Groom Expo! At events like the Internet Mingle, the Opening Night Party and the meal functions, you can begin talking to a complete stranger and soon find you have a connection and a lot in common.

“I went to the Internet Mingle and sat at a table where I didn’t know anyone,” says Mindy Hammond. “Soon, we were all chatting and having a wonderful time. Lots of the gals were winning the raffle prizes. I was thrilled for them, but my numbers were never called.”

Near the end of the event, Mindy Hammond’s number was called and she won a spectacular Shernbao stand dryer. “I never win anything,” gasped an astonished Mindy. “This dryer is fabulous! It has changed the way I groom.”

Thanks to the generosity of vendors and others who donate items, the Internet Mingle, hosted by Jameson and Melina Kon, has grown every year.

“It’s all fun and games when we get together for the event, but the money that is raised at the Internet Mingle goes to help groomers that fall into hardship or unforeseen circumstances,” says Jameson.

Woman grooming a small dog on a table
“This year we were able to raise $4,375, which is going to help groomers affected by the fire in Hawaii,” he continues. “It’s so heartwarming to know that we can make a positive impact together while having a fun time and meeting new friends.”

The generosity of the grooming industry knows no bounds at Groom Expo. The Silent Auction raised an astounding $25,810.50. Those proceeds were divided among the rescue groups that provided dogs for the Rescue Roundup. The Show Close Auction proceeds were divided between GroomTeam USA and the rescue groups.

With over 170 booths, Groom Expo hosts the largest professional pet care product trade show on the planet. Not only can you see all the newest innovations and products and try on scissors for a perfect fit, product demos and mini grooming sessions are presented all throughout the weekend.

“I have been going for nearly a decade,” shares Elli Bultemeier. “I started as an attendee, then competitor, and then a vendor rep. Now we have our own booth and I am a speaker. Seeing all sides is truly amazing!”

“As a speaker and working the booth, my favorite part is getting to talk to the other groomers,” says Anjie Coates. “I love seeing things through their eyes and seeing them get excited about a topic I’m teaching.

“The thrill of excitement and the thrum of it is palpable—more so at Hershey than any other show. I love all the shows, and will continue to go to as many as I can every year, but Hershey is my favorite,” Anjie continues. “The number of vendors is also just amazing. If you want a particular something, and it exists, someone there will have it. There are limitless options. All in all, Hershey is consistently an 11/10.”

Groom Expo has always been known as “the learning show,” with dozens of educational seminars, certificate courses and workshops presented by industry experts. Every seminar allows you to step into its specialized segment of the grooming industry. The topics run the gamut of pet grooming trends and techniques, business management, self-care and more.

“My favorite class was Marketing Your Grooming Salon with Community Events presented by Amanda McGrath,” says attendee Lindsey Bronson. “I love the demo classes, but this class was SO informational, and Amanda was really engaging and fun to listen to. There was so much value in that hour I spent with her!”

With over 170 booths, Groom Expo hosts the largest professional pet care product trade show on the planet.
Woman grooming white fluffy small dog on a table
“I shut down my salon from Wednesday to Monday to attend Groom Expo,” says Mindy Hammond. “Continuing education is so important. I take all the classes I can. And, the certificates I receive are displayed on the wall of my salon. My clients are really impressed by them.”

The grooming competitions are also a tremendously important part of Groom Expo. From the spectacular two-day Groom Olympics Tournaments with its $25,000 in prize money to the Abstract Creative Runway Competition, the Creative Styling Competition and the Rescue Round-Up Invitational—every competition showcases the talents, skills and creativity of the participants.

“I attended Groom Expo for the first time last year,” says competitor Monica King. “I remember sitting in the audience during Creative with my best friend, Michelle, and she said, ‘You are going to be up on that stage next year, making your dreams come true.’ I laughed at the time, but this year, I got up on that stage next to my creative friends who have become family.

“I laughed, I cried, but I did it!” Monica continues. “I had the support of the entire grooming community with me as I did my groom and presentation of ‘Nina’s Garden.’”

During the presentation of her “Nina’s Garden” Creative entry, flowers were handed out to audience members in tribute and memory of Monica’s mother who passed away during COVID.

Woman grooming fluffy black and white dog on a table
Attendee and competitor Holly Baker shares her thoughts of what it is like to compete at Groom Expo: “The part that can’t be expressed enough is the community of groomers who uplift each other. Although we are competitors, we are each other’s biggest fans. We all help each other. From getting our equipment on stage, lending supplies to each other when equipment is missing or malfunctions, caring for each other’s pets, supporting each other over our fears to, most importantly, cheering for each other’s work and accomplishments.

“Not only do your fellow competitors understand, but so do the judges,” continues Holly. “The judges do such a fantastic job providing critiques that build your confidence and provide direction of where to expand your skills. I left the show, not with a placement, but with lifelong friends, the inspiration to groom for another 20 years, and experiences that I will never ever forget.”

Saturday evening at Groom Expo is reserved for the Barkleigh Honors Banquet, the Best in Show Awards, the Abstract Creative Runway Competition and the prestigious Barkleigh Honors Awards.

“The goal of the Barkleigh Honors Awards is to recognize the people that go above and beyond in their contributions to our industry,” says Barkleigh President, Todd Shelly.

The awards cover all segments of the industry, from blogs, videos and websites to speakers, competitors and new products. Every category is filled with qualified and deserving nominees.

This year, Ren and Lynn Netherland won the Barkleigh Honors Award for “Contribution to the Industry.” They have been a staple at Groom Expo and many other shows, along with their business, Animal Photography. Their work and dedication to the industry is evident in many issues of Groomer To Groomer Magazine and through the countless amount of behind-the-scenes work they do for the industry.

Even though it is held in Hershey, PA, Groom Expo has become a meeting place for groomers from all over the globe…

“I am a cat-exclusive groomer in Brisbane, Australia and travel more than 10,000 miles to attend Groom Expo,” shares Sarah Warner. “I thoroughly enjoy the seminars, the trade show, the competitions, and putting so many faces to names.

“While in the U.S., my daughter had a medical emergency and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance,” Sarah adds. “The people within the grooming industry were immediate in their offers of genuine, practical assistance and showed so much love and compassion for both of us in what was an incredibly worrying time. This is, in my opinion, the greatest gift a show like Groom Expo can give. The connection to our peers and colleagues and the appreciation that no one is in this industry alone. The people I’ve met at in-person events is genuinely and truly the biggest incentive for me to make the monstrous financial and time investment to continue to attend.”

Groomers like Sarah Warner, Theresa Wells, who attended the first Groom Expo in 1988, and many others who come every year will tell you there are many things that make Groom Expo the most unique and popular show on the planet. But one of the things that is on the top of everyone’s list is the people…the people at Groom Expo.