But Why?
Pet Wellness Trends: What's in Store for 2024?

by Jonathan David

Once again, we face the age-old tradition of celebrating the new year ahead of us. January is a month that is filled with good intentions of better habits and renewed endeavors of health and fitness. During this time of the year, the world seemingly has a collective attitude towards bettering ourselves, and we often extend our efforts of fulfilling this mission to the friends and family around us, including our furry family members.

Yes, a new year brings new products and trends into the pet industry to improve the lives of our pets, but why do groomers need to be aware of these trends?

The pet industry is one of the strongest markets out there, and it seems to be recession resistant. In past years, when there were economic downturns, the pet industry remained stable and even produced growth while other markets recorded losses. The evidence has indicated that when people face economic struggles and must trim their budgets, they seem to cut many of their personal expenses before cutting products that cater to the needs of their pets. The long and short of it is that people seem to put their pets’ needs above some of their own when times get tough. But over the last few years, there is a sector of the pet market that seems to be growing more rapidly than others—the wellness sector.

Products that are geared towards the improvement of a pet’s overall health have taken front and center in the pet industry, and the trends for 2024 indicate that this sector of the market is continuing to grow rapidly. Even with high inflation, in 2023 the pet industry grew by 8.6% over 2022. To put that in numbers, in 2023 the pet market sold an estimated $320 billion dollars globally and is expected to reach $500 billion by 2030, and North America is the largest consumer of these products.

Even with high inflation, in 2023 the pet industry GREW by 8.6 percent over 2022. To put that in numbers, in 2023 the pet market sold an estimated $320 billion dollars globally and is expected to reach $500 Billion by 2030.

The wellness sector in the pet market isn’t just limited to food, it also includes supplements, CBD products, and other products such as beds and toys that are made in green facilities and made from organic sources. Let’s take a look at a few of the trending products for pets in 2024 and how they can benefit your clients and, in turn, benefit your bottom line.

Organic Foods

Organic pet foods and treats are a quickly growing trend of the pet food market. They can range from kibble made from organic, whole ingredients to raw diets that are frozen or freeze-dried. These diets are sourced from humanely raised, hormone-free meats and pesticide-free plant materials. These diets are becoming increasingly popular, and you see many more of them on pet store shelves than in past times.

Organic treats are also on trend for 2024 and they boast limited ingredients free of chemicals and preservatives. While these treats are clearly healthier than processed treats, they do have a much shorter shelf life, so be mindful of storage and expiration dates.

Another popular feeding option is prepared meals for dogs. There are several pet food companies that advertise human-grade ingredients and facilities—the equivalent of a home-cooked meal for your pets. These meals come pre-prepackaged in meal-sized portions, and some offer direct-to-home delivery.


Supplements have really improved through the years. Some are traditional tablets that you administer orally; however, most dogs refuse these. Even with your best efforts to disguise the tablets with other delectable treats, many dogs will simply spit them out once they consume the treat. Supplement companies have addressed this issue and there are now quite a variety of liquid supplements available that you can add to a meal without Fido realizing he’s consuming the supplements. There are also powdered supplements that can be sprinkled over food, and some have added flavors that are appealing to dogs. Many commercial kibble diets lack all of the necessary nutrition for a complete and balanced diet, so supplements are extremely beneficial to dogs on a diet of dry kibble.

Organic treats are also on trend for 2024 and they boast limited ingredients free of chemicals and preservatives. While these treats are clearly healthier than processed treats, they do have a much shorter shelf life, so be mindful of storage and expiration dates.


CBD products are an extremely fast-growing sector of the pet wellness market. CBD is cannabidiol, a derivative from the cannabis plant. CBD does not have THC, the chemical in cannabis that gives people a mind-altering high, therefore it is legal and safe. CBD is used to treat a variety of conditions because of its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory, a pain blocker and a mood booster. Some of the most common uses of CBD in dogs are for inflammation, nausea, appetite stimulation, seizure disorders and anxiety, but CBD can help with many more conditions.

There are several ways to administer CBD to your pets. The product can be found in treats, oil tinctures, capsules and balms. It can be given both orally and topically, but studies show the most effective way to administer is via an oil dropper. This method allows the pet owner to choose the dosing more accurately.

Organic and Eco-Friendly Toys and Bedding

One of the newer organic products to hit the market are toys and bedding sourced from organic and eco-friendly materials. These items are made from materials such as cotton and hemp that are sustainably grown and sourced, are typically free of chemical dyes, and any fillers are organic and biodegradable. To color the items, they use plant-based colors that are sourced from nature.

The facilities in which these products are made are also considered to be “green” facilities. This means that the factory where the products are manufactured have implemented protocols to be more environmentally conscious and reduce waste. A few ways they do this is to recycle scrap and unused materials, use LED lighting and use organic resources for production.

Collectively, we as groomers can work towards a better future for both humans and animals. The market will keep up with trends that the consumers move towards. Keeping an eye on what trends are right around the corner can give you an advantage as a business owner and allow you to profit while providing a beneficial service to your clients and their pets.