Yes, Dear…
Stirling title typography
by Anjie Coates
Professional headshot of Stirling with a St. Patricks background
Photo by Anjie Coates
Stirling is a Furloughed Favorite Lab from the National Education for Assistance Dog Services organization. She wasn’t meant to be a service dog because her favorite things are eating and sleeping. She’s a monthly regular in the salon and loves spa day.
  • Scissors
    I open the door and Stirling trots in off-lead with her brother Ajax, another Furloughed Favorite.

    “Hi guys! Head on down to your beds and we’ll get you in the tub in just a bit,” I say.

    Ajax shoves the half door open to go greet everyone before retiring to his bed.

  • Dog
    Stirling yawns and leans against me: “I love spa day.”
  • Illustration of golden retriever standing at the fee of a person
  • Scissors
    “I know, honey. You’re going in the tub in just a minute,” I tell her.
  • Dog
    Stirling saunters up the ramp and lays down in the tub: “I’ll wait here.”
  • Illustration of a golden retriever in a groomers bathing tub
  • Scissors
    “Stirling, I was going to get everything ready before putting you in,” I say.
  • Dog
    Stirling: “It’s OK, you can do it now. I’ll nap.”
  • Scissors
    I sigh and get her shampoo ready while she stretches out in the tub and begins to doze.

    “OK, kiddo, you have to get up. I’ve got to get you nice and clean,” I tell her.

  • Dog
    “You can bathe while I sleep. Here, I’ll help.” Stirling rolls onto her side and stretches out.
  • Scissors
    “I can’t actually get all of you clean while you’re laying down, dear. You’re going to need to stand for just a minute or ten…” I say.
  • Dog
    Stirling sighs but doesn’t get up.
  • Scissors
    I wash what areas of her are available to me, and then comes the monthly inevitable discussion: “OK, babe, you have to get up now, please. C’mon, I’ll help.”

    I haul her back end up to standing and she begrudgingly complies.

    “You are the prettiest girl. Don’t you want to be nice and clean?” I ask.

  • Dog
    Stirling: “You always get me nice and clean. Then I nap!”
  • Scissors
    “Yes, you can nap once we’re done. I’m going to need you to turn,” I tell her.
  • Dog
    Stirling looks at me as if I’ve just asked her to juggle fire.
  • Scissors
    I turn her by lifting her back half and she leans her wet head against my arm.

    “You could help a little, you know,” I say.

  • Dog
    Stirling: “I am helping!”
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    “Oh really? How so?” I ask.
  • Dog
    Stirling looks up, gives me a kiss and then leans against my shoulder again: “Moral support.”
  • Scissors
    “Oh, that’s very helpful. Thank you,” I say.

    I finish her bath and begin toweling her, and she melts into the tub again as I towel her entire exposed side.

    “OK, my dear, you’re going to need to stand up or flip over. The choice is yours,” I tell her.

  • Dog
    Stirling rolls in the tub to her other side.
  • Scissors
    “How did I know?” I ask.

    I finish toweling her and rub her soft head and say, “OK, babe, time to go set you up for a few minutes while I clean the tub. I have your heated towel.”

  • Dog
    “Heated towel time? I love heated towel time!” Stirling jumps up and wags at me.
  • Scissors
    I lead her down the hall where she dives into the crate and begins rolling upside down on the heated towel. Before I even return to the tub, I can hear her snoring.
  • Illustration of a golden retriever sleeping in a crate
  • Scissors
    “OK, dear, tub is clean and it’s time for you to wake up,” I say.

    I finally rouse her and she sleepily trots to my table and puts her front feet up on the table.

  • Illustration of a golden retriever on it's hind legs at a grooming table
  • Dog
    “Too tired to lift my bum. I need help.”
  • Scissors
    “I know, sleepy girl,” I say as I lift her back end onto the table.
  • Dog
    “I’m ready for my massage! Make sure you get all the parts…and maybe a treat, too?” Stirling hints with a smile, squinting her eyes so hard they nearly disappear and thumping her tail against the table in rhythmic staccato.
  • Scissors
    And I reply, “Yes, dear…”