by Anjie Coates
Photo by Anjie Coates
aly is a wonderfully sweet hound with degenerative neuropathy. She’s only a bit over a year old, but her body shows the signs of the disease in many ways. She’s finally gained some weight and is currently doing OK.
- Caly: “Spa day! Spa day! I’m having a spa day!”
- “Yes, you are!” I say as I laugh and scoop her into my arms.
- I kiss her soft face and carry her into the back as she wags wildly and smashes her face into mine for more kisses.
- Caly: “Am I getting the special shampoo today?
- “Yep. Last time it made you even softer, if that’s possible,” I reply.
- Caly: “Mom thought so too. I got so many hugs and smooches. I love hugs and smooches.”
- “Really? You don’t say,” I quip.
- Caly: “You’re silly.”
- I froth up her shampoo and scoop her into the tub.
- Caly’s tail beats a rhythmic staccato against the side of the tub.
- “You’ve gained some weight. Looks like you’ve got a teeny belly!” I say.
- Caly: “Yeah. I feel good.
- “I’m glad. It’ll make brushing you easier too; smoother surface,” I add.
- Caly grins and revels in her bath and conditioning.
- I towel her off and apply oils, then wrap her in a warm towel.
- Caly: “My turn! It’s my turn!”
- “Need a minute, babe. I just have to get this cleaned up and then it’s your turn on the table,” I assure her.
- I finish disinfecting everything and head to her crate to get her. We get to the table where she throws her front half up while I scoop her out of the air to ensure she doesn’t fall.
- “You are feeling good. Bit of a wild woman today,” I say.
- Caly grins and leans against me in relaxation as I finish drying her.
- “OK, let’s do nails and get a few pounds of your fur brushed out, shall we?” I propose.
- Caly: “OK!”
- As I’m doing her nails, Caly starts to tip over. I ask my assistant for a hand, and she helps to right her on the table.
- “Relax your feet, babe. You tip over when you get excited,” I tell her.
- Caly: “I’m happy!”
- “I can tell! OK, let’s see about that brushing now.” I say.
- Caly wags and nudges as my assistant brushes her head and I brush her body. We each stand to one side of her so she can’t fall.
- OK. Ears and you’re done!” I say.
- Caly: “Already?”
- “We still have the picture,” I remind her.
- Caly: “Oh, good!”
- I scoop her up and carry her into the picture room and put her on the platform.
- “What do you want to be?” I ask as I offer her a ladybug and a bee costume.
- Caly: “This one!”
- She chooses the bee and dives her head into the tutu.
- “It’s actually easier if we start from the other…nevermind.” I say as I slide the tutu over her front feet and down her waist.
- Her tail never stops wagging and the tutu swishes from side to side.
- “What a beautiful girl! Do you want a treat today?” I ask.
- Caly: “Nope!” as she leaps off the table into me.
- I barely catch her, then right her in my arms.
- Caly: “I want smooches!”
- And I reply,