by Anjie Coates
Photo by Anjie Coates
Photo by Anjie Coates
- aurice is a monthly Persian client who thoroughly enjoys his spa day.
Maurice: “I’m ready for my spa day! Groom me,” as he leaps out of his carrier into a sploot on the table.
“Nails first, then bath,” I say.
Maurice: “I just got them nice!”
“Yeah, and they’re nice and sharp, so your Mom wants them clipped,” I tell him.
Maurice: “Fiiiine.”
I trim his nails without a fuss as my assistant Angie gets his bath water to the proper temperature.
“OK, time to get you clean, buddy,” I say.
We work through the bath while he stands on his back feet and looks at the bubble stickers on the wall.
“Need to wash your face now. Lemme see those eye boogies,” I tell him.
Maurice tilts his head back at me and closes his eyes.
I use a soft microfiber cloth to wipe his face as he begins to purr.
“Nothing like a nice clean face. Huh, buddy?” I ask.
Maurice head boops against my arm in agreement.
I rub his conditioner in and he melts into a joyful pile of fur at the bottom of the tub.
When the timer goes off, he opens his eyes and looks somewhat annoyed he’s been awoken.
“OK, now for the rinse and you’re off to the table,” I tell him.
After rinsing him and squeezing out the water, I wrap him in a heated towel.
Maurice: “I love toweling,” as he peeks one eye out from under the towel.
“I know you do,” I say as I squeeze the water out and then put another dry heated towel on and put him on the table.
“OK, buddy, we have to put your hoodie on so we can dry you,” I tell him.
Maurice: “I’m good in my towel.”
“I know, but I can’t really dry you under the towel. You can be on the towel,” I say as I put his hoodie on and fix his whiskers.
Maurice: “OK, wake me when we’re done,” as he sighs and begins to nod off.
I dry his back end and then the rest of him while he slumbers peacefully.
“We need to dry your head, pal,” I tell him.
Maurice: “I’m sleeping, do it later.”
“No, we need to do it now. C’mon, gimme the hoodie so we can fluff your mane,” I say.
Maurice sighs and lifts his head.
I dry his head and face and then gently place his head back on his front feet.
Maurice: “Hey! You were holding. Want more holding.”
“Angie is going to rub your head while I comb you out,” I tell him.
Maurice: “Get the belly,” as he stretches out to his full length so I can comb his belly.
“I always do, buddy,” I say.
Maurice flips upside down and goes back to sleep.
I finish grooming him and he sleeps through the entire process.
“Hey, buddy, you’re all done!” I tell him.
Maurice: “Pictures?”
“Of course!” I reply.
Maurice: “Oh, good. Carry me!”
I carry him to the picture room and put him on the platform.
“Want to be a scarecrow?” I ask.
Maurice: “Yeah, OK.”
“You’re the most handsome scarecrow ever,” I tell him as I take his picture.
Maurice: “I know. Now hold me.”
And I reply,